限定商品「SAVIBES(サバイブス)」ができるまで・From Concept to Creation: How We Developed SAVIBES


Hi it’s me again Vanessa!
Have you seen our limited edition canned mackerel? It’s called SAVIBES!

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”Let’s create the world’s best-canned mackerel together!”
With this mission statement in mind, rather than proceeding like another product development, we invited people and industry experts to join our development team. Our team member Vanessa, wrote this article to share with you our development process and how we ended up creating a Honey Mustard Flavor for SAVIBES.

Read more about the project here (Japanese only)


Our team member, Vanessa, will share you our development process of how we ended up creating a Honey Mustard Flavor for Savibes 

事前テスト Test Kitchen


The development team came up with 13 flavors in total. We then narrowed it down to the 5 most promising flavors to try out: Rillettes, Coconut Curry, Tomato, Honey Mustard, and Mediterranean-style Tomato. Before conducting a production test of all these amazing flavors with our manufacturing team, we decided to try executing the recipes at home to ensure these flavors were feasible to create.

  • リエット:タマネギの食感がいいアクセントになっています。他に何か加えることができるかを話し合いましたが、製造工程が複雑になるためシンプルなもので着地しました。
  • Rillettes: The amazing texture of the onion elevates the dish! After a discussion about what else could improve the flavor by adding extra ingredients, we decided to keep it simple to avoid overcomplicating the manufacturing process.

  • ココナッツカレー:わたしにとっては懐かしさを感じる美味しさでした。カレーは味、香り共に主張が強くなるので、サバ本来の味を残すことが課題になりました。
  • Coconut Curry: In my opinion, this flavor is very nostalgic. The curry is aromatic; however, it overpowers the mackerel's flavor, which might be challenging.

  • トマト:普通に美味しかった、予想通りの味です。
  • Tomato: Simple, understated, it’s simply delicious as expected.

  • 地中海風トマト:シンプルなトマトよりも複雑で、トマトの甘みを引き立てることでサバとの相性が良くなります。
  • Mediterranean-style Tomato: Compared to the previous tomato, this flavor profile is more complex. The sweetness of the tomato helps elevate the flavor of the mackerel as well.

  • ハニーマスタード:この日のMVPでした。初めて口にした瞬間のみんなの驚きを見ていただきたかったです。
  • Honey Mustard: This was the GOAT of the day. You had to see everyone’s utter shock and excitement the moment we all bit into this!


We decided to narrow the flavors down from 5 to 3 for our prototype with the manufacturer: Rillettes, Mediterranean-style Tomato, and Honey Mustard.

試作と調整 Research & Development


During the canning process, ingredients undergo not only heating to maintain an airtight seal but also textural and flavor changes over time. Even if you use the same recipe, there will be changes during the process. Therefore, it’s necessary to create several prototypes and adjust accordingly until we find the perfect version.


When we tested our prototype, we decided to try them at room temperature and by putting them in a hot water bath.

When trying the Rillettes first, compared to the initial test, the mackerel became juicier and fattier! In the end, the Honey Mustard flavor still captured our hearts! The challenge begins when we need to consider the flavor changes over time. When tasting them after letting them sit for some time, we thought the Honey Mustard wouldn’t be a problem at all. We were wrong. The balance of the flavor wasn't right; either the mackerel was too pungent, lacking the mustard flavor, or the sweetness of the honey didn't come through.


After much debate and considering potential community feedback, we decided to go with Honey Mustard for its unique and challenging flavor profile. This decision wasn't easy; it came down to taking a risk so we could let people experience the excitement we had when we first tasted them, to achieve something out of the ordinary!

後がけハチミツ・The Honey Drizzle




We kept going back and forth on R&D with the Honey Mustard flavor. Every time we regrouped, we had small comments about how things were a bit off. One day, during our taste testing session, we discussed the ratio between honey and mustard. We thought that after thinking that if we increased the amount of honey in the recipe any further, the flavor and accent of the mustard would be lost. Until somebody made a simple but brilliant suggestion—why not just add more honey afterward?

This was truly a simple idea changed the trajectory of the project.

SAVIBESハニーマスタード味・SAVIBES Honey Mustard Flavor




'SAVIBES Honey Mustard Flavor' is packed with hearty mackerel, two types of mustard (Dijon Mustard and Whole Grain Mustard), soy sauce, with a kiss of honey.

It is delicious served as it is, but best served with a pack of honey drizzle provided on each can to enhance the richness and sweetness. Add as much as you like, whenever you like, and enjoy the change in flavor!


商品の詳細はこちらへClick here to purchase


Purchase directly at the following stores:

SABAR 阪急三番街店

〒530-0012 大阪府大阪市北区芝田1丁目13号 阪急三番街南館地下2
1-1-3 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka, B2 South Building, Hankyu Sanban Gai


〒531-0027 大阪府大阪市北区堂山町1721
17-21 Doyama-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka


This product is limited in quantity, so please purchase it while stock lasts.

No.38スタッフ Vanessa


こんにちは、ファネッサです。 遠いインドネシアの地から、No.38チームの一員として日本にやって来ました。シンガポールでの8年間の生活を経て、インドネシア語と同じくらいに英語も私の心の言葉となりました。日本での外国人生活を通して、私独自の視点を皆さんに伝え、私たちの世界と皆さんとの架け橋となれたらと思っています。この小さな記事を、日本語と英語でお楽しみください!

About the writer

Hello hello! I’m a member of the No.38 team all the way from Indonesia! You can call me Vanessa! I grew up speaking English and lived in Singapore for eight years, I like to think I'm as fluent in English as in Indonesian. Currently residing in Japan, I'm excited to share my unique perspective, bridging diverse worlds through my bilingual articles. I hope you enjoy my little article both in Japanese and English!

Who knows this could be the start of your language journey too!