Hello! It’s Vanessa again.

I was exposed to “charcuterie board” from this specific viral video. After being exposed to the idea of it I’ve always wanted to try to make one myself. However, there hasn’t been a reason for me to make such a big elaborate meal for myself.

That is until I come to Japan.

In Japan, I noticed my friends and I do a lot more picnics and house hangouts than before and I’m the type of person who thinks convenience food doesn’t satisfy me enough. I want more variety, I want more engagement… I wanted charcuterie boards!

From then on, I look forward making charcuterie board for friends!






What is a charcuterie board?

A charcuterie board is a platter with a selection of preserved cured meats, cheeses, and other accompaniments. It originated in France, but many European countries have their take on what to include on the board.

The beauty of a charcuterie board, is firstly how stunning it looks on the table. Secondly, it’s great for people who can’t cook! Most importantly, it turns into a fun and interactive meal as everyone gets to create the best combinations from the available selections, it’s a chance to be our own food connoisseurs.



No.38 Charcuterie BoardNo.38シャルキュトリーボード

However, my hot take is: that just bringing Japanese ham and cheese doesn’t make the board that exciting in Japan. There’s a limited selection of ham and cheese, and the quantity and quality can be lacking. Instead, what Japan has is a love for unique canned foods and incredible seafood. So, instead of just the usual ham and cheese charcuterie board, there’s a better option: Tinned Fish!

A tinned fish board is an evolution of the charcuterie board, driven by the growing love for tinned fish since 2020. In this version, tinned fish takes center stage as the main protein instead of preserved meats and cheeses.



Here’s a guide to creating a charcuterie board in Japan with No.38!

Pick Your HERO Tinned Fish ・主役の魚の缶詰

There are many kinds of tinned fish in Japan, with fish in water being the most common. You can either season it to make a tuna salad or for a more refined touch, we suggest using artisanal gourmet tinned fish like No.38 to elevate the presentation and flavor!


Here are our recommendations for the board:

These flavors are packed with flavor but versatile enough making them a great base to mix and match with other accompaniments.



You can also add oysters, smoked salmon, or fresh sashimi-grade seafood.

Something Bright & Acidicさっぱりとしたもの

Acidic elements are crucial for a tinned fish board, as they complement the seafood's flavor. My personal favorites include tomato-balsamic salad, homemade pickles, citrus fruits, and olives.


Something Crunchy or with Texture・食感を楽しむもの

Texture is an essential element in eating, so think about adding items like sweet peppers, sliced cucumbers or radishes, and even a sprinkle of flakey sea salt.


Something Creamy・クリーミーなもの

To balance the bright and refreshing flavors, adding something creamy helps tie all the flavors together. You could bring Dijon mustard, whole grain mustard, artisanal butter, whipped cream cheese, guacamole, tzatziki, labneh, hummus, or even baba ghanoush!


Something to Hold Everything炭水化物

This is very important! Charcuterie boards are finger food after all. Baguettes, buttered bread, chips, crackers—anything that can hold the ingredients will work great. You can even use senbei crackers!


Assembling the Tinned Fish Boardトレーの飾り方

Making a tinned fish board is very simple—just lay all the elements on one big board or cutting board. If any of the ingredients have liquid, you can use small plates or dipping bowls to keep it clean.


Have fun with flavor combinations!・最高のコンビネーションを発見する!

The beauty of creating a charcuterie board is in the exploration—talking, discovering new flavors, and enjoying great food with the people you love. I mean, if you saw this at a hangout, wouldn’t you be excited to start digging in with your friends?



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こんにちは、ファネッサです。 遠いインドネシアの地から、No.38チームの一員として日本にやって来ました。シンガポールでの8年間の生活を経て、インドネシア語と同じくらいに英語も私の心の言葉となりました。日本での外国人生活を通して、私独自の視点を皆さんに伝え、私たちの世界と皆さんとの架け橋となれたらと思っています。この小さな記事を、日本語と英語でお楽しみください!

About the writer

Hello hello! I’m a member of the No.38 team all the way from Indonesia! You can call me Vanessa! I grew up speaking English and lived in Singapore for eight years, I like to think I'm as fluent in English as in Indonesian. Currently residing in Japan, I'm excited to share my unique perspective, bridging diverse worlds through my bilingual articles. I hope you enjoy my little article both in Japanese and English!

Who knows this could be the start of your language journey too!