Best Canned Mackerel Recipes from Japanese Locals | 日本人が教える最高のサバ缶レシピ

Tinned fish with mayo and bread. Mix it up in a salad. Add a little hot sauce on top of the fish. Little canapés for the parties. These are many go-to recipes you can make with tinned fish we see from the western recipes shared online, especially now that tinned fish are way more acceptable with people overseas.

In Japan, our beloved Sabakan aka. canned mackerels have always been a pantry staple to a lot of families. While the west pair them with breads and sandwiches, we pair our with rice. There are cultural differences in the ways we eat our canned mackerels, even as an Indonesian living in Japan would say how Indonesian serve our tinned fish are completely different from Japan and the western country.

It made me wonder... how do Japanese people typically cook with canned mackerel?
So I’ve asked around our Japanese staff member their favorite recipes with canned mackerel.




As a Japanese, what is your favorite way in eating Canned Mackerel?

Enjoys canned mackerel as a snack with a alcoholic beverages~

Potato Salad with Mackerel
おすすめ: No.38【三種の厳選胡椒仕立て】No.38 【風味爽やか彩りマリネ仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Triple Mix Pepper or No.38 Mild Sour Mariné

Mackerel Champuru, Stir Fry bitter gourd (Okinawan cuisine)
おすすめ:No.38【炙り鯖のショウガ醤油仕立て】No.38 【やみつき甘辛ヤンニョム仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Soy & Ginger or No.38 Yangnyeom Sweet Chili

 Writer's Note: 
「Otsumami」is the Japanese equivalent of the words "beer snacks" or "finger food," these are food usually eaten with your favorite alcohol. 
日本語ではお酒に合う食べ物は「おつまみ」と言い、英語では "beer snack" または "finger food" と言います!

Simple egg recipes with mackerel 


Oyakodon, with canned mackerel instead of Chicken
おすすめ:  No.38【炙り鯖のショウガ醤油仕立て】
Recommended Flavor:  No.38 Soy & Ginger


Tamagoyaki (rolled omlette) with canned mackerel
おすすめ: No.38 【味噌と辛味感じるガーリックオイル仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Miso Garlic Oil

Writer's Note:
Replacing protein with canned mackerel for oyakodon is a very unique take! Oyako means Mother and Child (Chicken and Egg) because of that replacing it with Mackerel will never be something i thought of doing!

Easy recipe from a person who doesn’t really cook!

Canned Mackerel with cheese
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Chili & Garlic Oil

Takoyaki with Mackerel Filling
おすすめ: No.38 お好みの味で!
Recommended Flavor: Your Favorite No.38 flavor!

Writer's Note: 
As an unqualified Osaka local, anything we put in a Takoyaki will be delish!

Perfect Summer Dish

Cold Miso Soup
おすすめ: No.38【炙り鯖のショウガ醤油仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Soy & Ginger

Writer's Note: 
Cold Miso Soup… is definitely not in my repertoire as an Indonesian. We fend off heat with more heat! However, I tried it and it’s surprisingly pretty good!


Canned Mackerel recipe you can make during a Glamping trip.

Mackerel Yakisoba Bread
おすすめ: No.38【スパイス香る芳醇カレー仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Spicy Rich Curry

Writer's Note: 
Speaking of Yakisoba bread, it’s such a classic food from anime a lot of us foreigners might grow up with… It is a really good snack in my opinion.

Quick and Easy Pasta Recipe

Quick Pasta with Canned Mackerel, Chili, and Cabbage.
おすすめ:No.38 【味噌と辛味感じるガーリックオイル仕立て】
Recommended Flavor: No.38 Miso Garlic Oil

Writer's Note:  
Contrary to popular belief, one of the most common dishes Japanese make is actually pasta! It's quick and easy, especially for office worker to prepare a comforting meal at home.



While eating No.38 Premium Canned Mackerel straight from the can is our speciality, we also can elevate any type of dishes from your go-to to something you’ve never made before!

Are you inspired by any of the recipe ideas above?
Share on your social media and tag us @no.38_official if you try any!

Follow our No.38 Global Social Media account!


こんにちは、ファネッサです。 遠いインドネシアの地から、No.38チームの一員として日本にやって来ました。シンガポールでの8年間の生活を経て、インドネシア語と同じくらいに英語も私の心の言葉となりました。日本での外国人生活を通して、私独自の視点を皆さんに伝え、私たちの世界と皆さんとの架け橋となれたらと思っています。この小さな記事を、日本語と英語でお楽しみください!

About the writer

Hello hello! I’m a member of the No.38 team all the way from Indonesia! You can call me Vanessa! I grew up speaking English and lived in Singapore for eight years, I like to think I'm as fluent in English as in Indonesian. Currently residing in Japan, I'm excited to share my unique perspective, bridging diverse worlds through my bilingual articles. I hope you enjoy my little article both in Japanese and English!

Who knows this could be the start of your language journey too!