The World in a Plate|No.38 x Sakura Picnic (花見)


Sakura is blooming, comparatively quite late this year. 2024 is a year where spring sprung but the winter overstayed its stay. Hence, when the Sakura Picnic is planned out at Osaka Castle for the 31st March it was quite a gamble. 




Meet Toni, A legendary, wild Frenchman that I met during my Japanese language school. We first met during an after-school meet-up with the vocational school next to us as a student of foreign exchange activities. We bonded over his French humor and his love to just drink and have too much of a fun time! I soon realize he constantly makes parties and meets up with Japanese and foreigners in Osaka and I just think it’s so nice to see an active desire to have a good time with many different people!

I remember that one house party Toni created during my first year in Japan; it was one of the best parties I’ve been to that year. The amount of interesting people I met just by putting myself out there that day was a good experience. It reminds me of how I felt when I was living in Singapore, a sense of community I didn’t know I needed just to have fun and mingle around! There were biologists, designers, models, school teachers, content creators, shop owners, DJs, and all kinds of interesting people surrounding me.

This Hanami as well, I met such unique people! 


It was a mix of Japanese and foreign people in one spot. Although we might speak English 70% of the time, most of us can speak Japanese. I assume we sound like that stereotypical international kid in Japan, as we mix all the languages into one sentence. Even those who can’t speak either English or Japanese would have fun and find someone they can comfortable talk to.


How everybody knows each other is funny because it could either be so close or so far.

・「トニはどうやって知ってるの?」How do you know Toni? 

「あ、彼は____から知ってるんだ。」I know him from_____

「私、彼を知ってる人の友達なんだよね。」I’m this person’s friend who knows him

「友達の友達の友達だよ!」I’m a friend of a friend of his friend!

「インスタグラムの友達だよ!」 Instagram friend!

「彼はここでの最初の友達だよ!」He’s my first friend here!

「昔、私のバーに来てたんだ。」He used to go to my bar

It is quite fun to find that out!


Sakura Accessory for saba-kunサバくんの桜花びらのアクセサリー


It’s been a while since i went to an event where I don’t know 80% of the people there. I was there, bringing Saba-kun (btw, self-proclaimed name), honestly was a bit afraid but i muster my courage to put myself out there again!

No.38 【やみつき甘辛ヤンニョム仕立て】 (これは人気でした!)
No.38 【味噌と辛味感じるガーリックオイル仕立て】

I gathered some people to try
It's a fun snack to share, perfect with simple bread and an alcoholic drink!





So I had a chat with this sweet Japanese lady who brought this pretty Kazari Inari sushi. Out of pure curiosity I asked her "Is it common for different friend circles to merge together like this in Japan?"

She said, not so much! Japanese usually would only go out with just the circle they know. Sometimes even when they are dating, they might not know who their significant other’s friends are!

I think that is such a culture shock to me!



It might take a lot of effort and courage at first but going to events like this and just talking with new people is also very emancipating. Sometimes you can see new perspectives on the problems you have, or share the same problems as other people. (keeping up the relationship is another thing though!)

Life is like an open-world game!

Would you open up yourself to a new experience this Spring?

こんにちは、ファネッサです。 遠いインドネシアの地から、No.38チームの一員として日本にやって来ました。シンガポールでの8年間の生活を経て、インドネシア語と同じくらいに英語も私の心の言葉となりました。日本での外国人生活を通して、私独自の視点を皆さんに伝え、私たちの世界と皆さんとの架け橋となれたらと思っています。この小さな記事を、日本語と英語でお楽しみください!

About the writer
Hello hello! I’m a new member of the No.38 team all the way from Indonesia! You can call me Vanessa! I grew up speaking English and lived in Singapore for eight years, I like to think I'm as fluent in English as in Indonesian. Currently residing in Japan, I'm excited to share my unique perspective, bridging diverse worlds through my bilingual articles. I hope you enjoy my little article both in Japanese and English!
Who knows this could be the start of your language journey too!

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